Sometimes I just take a deep breath and realize how busy I have become. I remember being a child and promising myself that I would never be too busy to have fun. That I would always enjoy life. Those were the days. Reality hadn't set it; it all seemed so simple then. My biggest concern was what fun I could have on the weekend, when school got out. Fast forward fifteen (or so) years and I find myself in a world of busy schedules,
time lines, production charts..... So how did it get here and is there any hope to return to those simple times? I regularly find myself surfing the net, looking at farms in Montana or Wyoming. To step out of the rat race of today's culture, is so tempting. Just to get away from it all. I have seen it start to creep into my kids' vocabulary. Their desire for constant entertainment,
Ipods, movies, etc....concerns me, yet it is in their face all the time. The kids at church start getting phones at age 10 and 11. Why? They are constantly talking about what next blockbuster they want to see. It all seems to be the norm... So we try our hardest to break from the norm. Our kids hate us for it! So crazy! So what's the answer? Do you just pack up and leave civilization? Do you give in to the pressure of the culture? There has to be a happy median. If I had my selfish way, I think that we would be in the middle of nowhere USA or even better NOWHERE, South America. But, to stay content in the place I am...until.
we struggle with the same thing. but what has really stuck in me is the verse that Pastor Fred brought up (that I still haven't looked up myself!) that to win your own is not enough. Though the boondocks are tempting, we can have all of that, the pleasures only, for all eternity. We only have the time on earth to minister to the needy. Changes one's perspective and priorities!